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Hello, I am a mother of three living with my husband in Africa. I have been blogging for seven years but still find myself very technologically challenged. I make lots of mistakes, but life is a journey. Come join me on the journey!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New friends!!

Yea for new friends!  William and I passed by a house last week on our way home from buying bananas.  I could not hear all that the ladies inside were saying, so they invited me in to the courtyard.  As I left, they said they would come to see me on Saturday.  On Friday, one of the ladies was walking by our house and said she would come see me the next day.  I was so worn out by the long week that I misunderstood what she said.  So I still waited on Saturday for them to come, but they never showed.  No wonder, after how confused I was on Friday.  So I decided to go there again today.  They have tons of kids for William and Mariama to play with and I wanted to make sure they were all ok.

As we walked down the street, I saw my friend sitting outside of her house.  I went over to say hello and she asked where I was going.  I told her I was going or coming (I can't remember which verb I used) to greet.  She got excited and invited me into the courtyard, where she told everyone else that I had come. The older lady that I met last week came over along with some visitors they had.  Within a few minutes, both of the women's husbands had come over to greet me as well.  We chatted for a while.  I talked at toddler pace and listened to them rattle out the words.  It was so good to find a home where they speak the language I am learning, ie. not another dialect, and people who were so glad I came by to visit. 

Shortly before I was going to leave, the older lady said she was going to take care of the children and then mentioned that her body hurt.  I asked the lady if it hurt just then or all the time.  She said it pretty much hurt all the time and went to do what she needed to do.  I expected her to return in just a few minutes.  As the time drew closer that I really need to leave, I told the younger lady that I was going but that I would be praying for the older lady's body to feel better. The younger called the lady and her husband over to pray right then.  I told them I would pray in our first language because I do not yet feel comfortable to pray in our new language.  So we all prayed.  When it was over, they all expressed how glad they were with me for coming over.  The younger walked me and the kids home.  She came into my courtyard before going home and said now she could visit me.  That was my best visit here thus far.

Praising the Father for new friends!!!

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