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Hello, I am a mother of three living with my husband in Africa. I have been blogging for seven years but still find myself very technologically challenged. I make lots of mistakes, but life is a journey. Come join me on the journey!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Have Fun and Spread Joy

The day before round three was a fun day. Rich and I attended a class on coping with cancer by having fun. Laughter is said to be good medicine and is actually as aid to boost the immune system. In our home, there is no shortage of fun, silliness, and humor. I had energy to attend church that evening, where everyone said how energetic I looked. Yes, it was time for my next treatment. 

The morning before all that fun started, I had a special visitor at my house. A nurse who formerly worked with cancer patients came by to pray with me. A special connection we have is that she had cared for my brother. She said she still remembered him 22 years later and the joy he had. She encouraged me to be a light in a place so darkened by cancer. I needed that encouragement from someone who has been on that side, to see my opportunity to brighten the lives of those caring for me.

I went Thursday, September 11th, for treatment and the doctor measured the tumors. The tumors had shrunk about 1cm each after just two treatments. That was great encouragement as I went down for round three. I went back Friday for fluids and immunity boosters. I was more intentional this time around to have joy than I had in the past. I took it easy Saturday to be ready for Sunday. 

I went to church for worship. I was so excited to be there, but I did not have enough energy to stand. However, I was filled with joy as I watched my children pour out their hearts in worship. I decided I would try to stay for small group.  I enjoyed being with my  friends, my brothers and sisters in faith. Unfortunately, a new side effect arose during group time. My best description was a hot flash. I did not know if it was from not drinking enough water or what else, but a friend brought me water and the flash persisted. I went home and rested the rest of the day. 

Rich had an opportunity to go visit with some of those same friends that evening. My mom came over to help care for me and the children. I wanted to have some good times with the children. While my mom helped care for the little one, I played Phase 10 with the big kids. Then we all played Disney Apples to Apples. It was good to have some special time with them. 

Monday and Tuesday I was so fatigued and rested. Wednesday I went with my mom to a session on women's cancers. Once again I had a hot flash. While a good session, I was done for the rest of the day, just too tired. However, Thursday I went back to the doctor for my labs, which were once again super. Once again, I tried to lighten the spirits of those around me. 

The next week was one of resting and yet seizing what energy I had. I had an evening date with Rich. I went to get a pedicure, where I met a woman whose father is being treated for pancreatic cancer. We celebrated Mariama's birthday. I cleaned house when I had energy and helped with homework when I was needed. I took advantage of a good day to go to lunch with my husband and run errands with the little one. 

I went back for round four this week. The doctor said that my lab work has been so good that I do not even have to go back next week to check in with him. I got to talk with fellow patients and laugh about hair loss. I got to talk with the man whose daughter I met at the nail salon.  I hopefully made things a little easier for those who cared for me this week. 

As a reminder to us all, whether we are at a cancer center or a place of employment, we are all surrounded by people who are consumed by the worries of this world. Maybe they are keenly aware of their mortality and maybe they are not. None the less, people need to know the hope that we have. We watched "God's Not Dead" for the first time yesterday. The young lady got news that she had cancer. She lacked hope. I was burdened for her. I cannot imagine this battle without my faith. Seek today to bring joy where you go, for you do not know who needs some hope for tomorrow. 

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