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Hello, I am a mother of three living with my husband in Africa. I have been blogging for seven years but still find myself very technologically challenged. I make lots of mistakes, but life is a journey. Come join me on the journey!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Good and Bad News

While in the midst of changing game plans, we were also getting the big kids enrolled in and tested for their new schools. William tested at level with others in the same grade, even in math. We were a year behind in homeschool due to skipping kindergarten, yet he scored an 8 out of 10 on the level we had not yet done.  Mariama got tired on her first day of testing, so the counselor let her finish on a different day to ensure accurate results for her. They did not have official results for Mariama, but they were certain enough that she passed adequately to go ahead into fourth grade. They both started school on Monday with all their other friends. Both situations quickly proved to be the right place for each of them. Also on Monday, we got a call about a potential school placement for Lydia-Ann that was beyond anything we could have planned. The longer class days would prove to be perfect timing for me to make all of my doctor appointments and rest in the off times. She was evaluated on Tuesday and started on Thursday that same week.

Wednesday I went to the hospital for an outpatient procedure to have a port installed and have a lymph node removed. The port allows easier access for the chemotherapy. The lymph node was in need of biopsy to determine the extent of the cancer. My breast specialist was the surgeon. I went home to rest after a couple of hours, because the next day was going to be big.

Thursday, Rich and I went to the cancer center to begin my first day of chemotherapy. I did my lab work and saw the doctor. I checked in for my treatment and was taken to my own little cubicle. I have not been a fan of needles, and though I would not call myself a fan, I can at least say I am getting used to them. I went home exhausted, but not as bad as I expected.

Friday, I went back in the afternoon for the administration of fluids and an immunity booster. Once again I went home exhausted. On the way home, I got a call from my specialist. It was both good news and bad news. The results from the lymph node biopsy had come back. The node was positive for cancer. This would mean radiation in the future, but it also meant we made the right decision by starting the chemotherapy when we did.  She seemed to believe it was not extensive in the lymph nodes, but either way our game plan was correct. Though it would mean longer in the states, it at least meant we were doing the right things. Mostly I just slept those few days. This schedule for Thursday and Friday would become my norm for every other week.

Saturday it was time for a new look. I wanted to keep what hair I had until the day it would start falling out, which I was assured would happen. However, I did not want it to be so long that the mess would be insane when it did start to fall out. I had a precious friend from church who came over to cut it for me. It was short enough to manage easily and yet long enough to still need to style a bit.

Sunday, I went to church. I felt good enough to stay for both the worship time and the small group time. I was blessed with lots of hugs and encouragement. I rested that afternoon, and then felt strong enough to go back in the evening. Both unfortunately and fortunately, the emphasis that night was looking at how to be involved in spreading the Good News around the world. I confess, most of it was just plain painful, as it rubbed salt into the wound of wanting to be somewhere other than here. I loved hearing the news about what was going on in other parts of the world, but I was wishing I was not here to hear it.  However it ended with a prayer time.  Though I wanted to go pray over others who were going out soon, I was surrounded by people praying over us for this time here, voicing the thoughts I had about wanting to be elsewhere. Though I had not spoken a word, others knew how to pray for us. The Spirit indeed is a wondrous gift to us, leading us in how to pray when we do not know how to pray.

The next week was full of resting and keeping what energy I had reserved for when the children came home from school. Oh and there was that hamburger incident. Rich went to pick a burger from Five Guys' to satisfy my craving, but it was so much that I made myself sick eating. (I have not craved a burger since that day, though we did enjoy them for Labor Day.) I went just to get my lab work checked. It was great, so Rich and I celebrated with a nice date out. I even went to the pool that weekend with friends and family. The port that I kind of expected to be an issue was none at all. Other than fatigue and some minor stomach issues and recovering from the surgery, this seemed a little too easy. Then again, it was just round one.

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