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Hello, I am a mother of three living with my husband in Africa. I have been blogging for seven years but still find myself very technologically challenged. I make lots of mistakes, but life is a journey. Come join me on the journey!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Perils of a Broken Foot

This post will be followed by a blessings post, so if it gets a little too whiny, just go to the next post.

How did I brake my foot?
Well, I tripped while walking in platform flip-flops at the market.
Why would I wear those flip-flops?
Well, in those I could step into puddles in the road without getting water on the top where my feet rested. While I have good, sturdy Chacos, I just do not like wet feet, especially with yucky water.
Was I running?
No oddly enough, I was just trying to cross the street, however I was trying to be quick about it, because crossing the market street is like playing Frogger. However, most people know I do not have a slow speed, so it is generally fast and faster.

So with all of this, I think how crazy it was that my outer foot bone fractured just while I crossed the street. How much of an idiot am I to do such a thing? (No comments from the peanut gallery please.)

Frustrations just pile up! I want to bake and have really enjoyed doing so lately. Well, not much hope of that happening, because my foot is supposed to be propped up. Kind of hard to prop it up and still stand in the kit hen long enough to mix something from scratch.

While I am talking about the baking, frustrating to not be able to take care of my family by providing them with good, healthy food. My grandmother took care of her family with food and lots of it. I am not to her level yet, but I do serve my family in this way. So not only am I not able to do something I enjoy doing, I am not able to show love to my family in this way.

I am much more of a doer. I see that something needs to be done and do it. I don't call for someone to take care of it.  I am even guilty of picking something up that belongs to the kids, because it would be quicker for me to just do it myself. Well, that does not work so well when you are propped up and are  using crutches even when you are moving. I hate feeling like I am bossing people around. My loving husband had all of his work and home responsibilities, and I was having to give him mine as well. If  he was taking care of business, but it was time for the kids to eat, I would have to call for him to stop what he was doing. The first weekend after returning with the cast, I did way too much because I just saw and did. My husband, even after all these years, thinks I would actually say I need help or admit I cannot do something. (Heehee! You would think he would know me better.)  Instead, I did too much and my foot swelled and was in pain. I got in trouble with him for not telling him what I needed.

So not only am I restricted by what I can do around the house, I am basically restricted to my house. There is no such thing as sidewalks here, so I cannot get out. I have enough trouble walking with these crutches in the house, much less try to walk through the dirt road outside. It gets lonely because I want to be out. I want to visit my neighbors. I want to go places without having my husband drive me. I want to go dump the trash. I had an occasion yesterday to take the kids to the pool for a play date. I could not drive myself, so my husband had to take me. Unfortunately, he also had a meeting at the same time. We moved the meeting so he would not be alone with the woman with whom he was meeting, and I could still have my ride. However, that was not a great idea and their meeting got more interrupted than I would have liked. I will not be doing that again for a few weeks.

I like visiting my neighbors. I like being out among the people. I like going to pray with my sisters in the faith. Not getting out to do those things is driving me crazy. I like going out to share. Isn't that what I came here to do?

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