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Hello, I am a mother of three living with my husband in Africa. I have been blogging for seven years but still find myself very technologically challenged. I make lots of mistakes, but life is a journey. Come join me on the journey!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

An Unexpected Invitation!

Almost as soon as we arrived in our town, we had to get started with school. We had a conference scheduled for October and November, so we needed to get ahead before a seven week break. The rains were still heavy then, so it was no big deal for us to not get out then. About four weeks into school, we found out the conference was postponed/ cancelled.  Suddenly that pressure to get ahead in school was removed. However, after seven weeks of school and the rains slowing, we knew it was time to get out to the villages to greet.

I had suggested to Rich that we make a tour of some villages, even maybe spending the night in the farthest one out, and then visiting more villages on the way home. My husband, wise as he is, thought it better for us to try to do only a couple of villages and then come back in town for the night. He was right. The children are not yet used to being out in the village and more so not used to travelling those bumpy roads.

We set out on our journey. Only about ten minutes down the road, Rich realized he did not mean to go that way. He turned the truck around and took another path. What a gift we had as a large group of baboons got off of the road in front of us and then sat watching us, as still as we sat watching them. One of those moments just because we can!

After we finally arrived at the first village, a young brother greeted us and then left to the next village up the road. We greeted for the death and the kids played a little, but the conversation was not productive.  Rich got a call from one of the other young brothers. The one we had seen had told the others who were meeting up the road that we were there. They called to invite us to come join them. This was not the plan that we had, but we rejoiced at the invitation.

We showed up and greeted six brothers, some as new as a month ago. They were meeting inside of a hut and invited us to join them. We listened as they read and studied the word together. They invited Rich to share from the Word as well.  They asked me to share a word, but I did not feel clear direction about which one to share, so I passed. So instead, they asked me to pray as we closed. A humbling experience I assure you, knowing the trials that these men were facing or would face.

We ate lunch with them. We listened to the Word on a recording. What a blessed time of fellowship. Looking forward to doing that again, especially with one of the wives who is a sister as well. For once, it felt like we were a part of the Family, not white or black. We are one in the bond of love.....

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