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Hello, I am a mother of three living with my husband in Africa. I have been blogging for seven years but still find myself very technologically challenged. I make lots of mistakes, but life is a journey. Come join me on the journey!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

One of the first missionary families.

Once again, this whole reading through the Bible chronologically this year has been great. No matter how many times a person has read the Bible or how well they think they know the stories, it is always possible to glean something new.  God's Word is alive and active!

As I was reading through the story of Moses' call to return to Egypt and deliver the Israelites from the hand of Pharoah, I was struck anew by some points. I don't know why, but I have had it in my mind that Moses went alone before meeting up with Aaron. However, the Word actually tells that his wife and children went with him. For Moses, in many ways, it was like going home, though tension was expected because of how he had left. For his wife and children, though, it was a whole new unfamiliar world.

Aaron coming to meet them was likely comforting for Moses but uncomfortable for his wife. Thankfully though she had someone she knew and someone who would be on their side.  But what was life like for Zipporah?

Was she at home all day? Did she have any friends? How did she encourage Moses when he came home at the end of the day after a bad encounter with Pharoah? Was she able to set aside her own loneliness to encourage him to keep doing what God had commanded? As Pharoah put more pressure on the people and the people resented Moses even coming, did she struggle more with any relationships she did have? Was she bitter at any point and suggest that they leave? Did she create a haven for Moses to come to at night where he could truly rest?

Did Moses at any point think about throwing in the towel because of the toil it was taking on his family? Did he ever think of turning back with them, when he would have certainly stayed on his own? Did he ever wish they were not with him in the midst of the plagues?

How would I have reacted to everything if I had been Zipporah? Would I have been a sustaining force for my husband? Or would I have been an excuse for him to back out?  Wherever we are, am I being that support for my husband to continue the job that God has given him, to bring the message of deliverance to a people that are crying out to God and the message of pending judgement to those who do not fear God?

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