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Hello, I am a mother of three living with my husband in Africa. I have been blogging for seven years but still find myself very technologically challenged. I make lots of mistakes, but life is a journey. Come join me on the journey!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

No Vindication!

So I have been reading through the Bible chronologically this year. I get a little behind now and then, but over all I am staying up on it.  A couple of weeks ago I was struck again by the story of Joseph.

Let's do a short recap of the early part of the story before my aha! moment.
Joseph is born one of twelve sons to his father.  He is the first son of his mother, who His father loved more than the other wives. His father trusts in him. He has dreams that his brothers and parents will bow down to him. His brothers are angered and plot to kill him. One brother intervenes and says to just put him in a pit, planning later to rescue his brother. However, the brothers eventually sell Joseph to some merchants passing by their way. As a slave, Joseph serves in the house of Potiphar, a rich man in Egypt. Potiphar trusts Joseph with everything in his home. Potiphar's wife, the one thing not available to Joseph, lusts after Joseph and attempts to lure him into bed with her. After a couple of tries, Joseph flees from her, leaving behind his coat to which she was clutching. She accuses him of trying to attack her, and Potiphar throws Joseph in jail, where he is forgotten about for some time.  Eventually Joseph is able to interpret dreams for Pharoah's servants and is eventually brought out to interpret the Pharoah's dreams.

Joseph however was never vindicated. There was no visit, as far as we know, from Potiphar saying he knew that Joseph was innocent. There is nothing stated to show that Joseph's name was cleared.

I don't know about anyone else, but I struggle with this. If someone thinks I have done wrong, I am adamant about clearing my name. I do not even want there to be the slightest misunderstanding. I want my innocence to be clear. I will harp on it and stay awake at night if I think someone is mad at me because of a misunderstanding. I will kick and scream figuratively speaking until I am vindicated. But Joseph does not do that, so far as we know. He may have tried to speak up, but it does not appear that he harped on it for years as I would have. Maybe that is a lesson for me. Maybe it is my pride, or maybe my insecurity, that keeps me from letting things like that go. Either way, I need to learn to stand my ground when I have done right and let God handle the rest, rather than dwelling on it.

Now that does not mean that I do not try to address a misunderstanding? No! If I have done something without all the facts and offended someone, I can still go apologize. I just do not need to wait around and lose sleep until my name is cleared, because that may never happen.

Joseph was satisfied with being right in the eyes of The Lord, and so should I.

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