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Hello, I am a mother of three living with my husband in Africa. I have been blogging for seven years but still find myself very technologically challenged. I make lots of mistakes, but life is a journey. Come join me on the journey!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Where We Are by Rich

Here is the latest news on us and our situation. Some have asked exactly what is going on and what took place, so I am including a short summary of things as well.
- April: Our world and work came to a screeching halt as we received a threat against our family from someone who had been in our home often and we trusted. Not sure how much to believe the words coming from him, we knew the history of anger issues in his family.  In light of this, we grabbed our pre-packed carry-ons, packed up some homeschool stuff, and headed the next morning up to the capital. We reported this to our embassy and the local government, who has been looking for the guy, but he left his village.
- April - July: We have been sitting up in the capital after not feeling safe to return to our home. A friend and I were able to make a quick 3 day run down to the house to get some needed supplies, but we are still living out of trunks for the most part. The kids resumed homeschool and we both found some work with our company to do in the capital. Meanwhile, our supervisors started looking for a new place and position for us to move to for work. We are hoping to stay on the continent of Africa if possible.
- July: We took a break and went to a conference in Germany. While there we took extra time to have a family vacation in Germany, the homeland of my mother.
 We were looking at a position in July and felt lead to pursue it, but we have heard recently that job assignment was given to someone else.  This, as you can imagine, has been a bit of a heartache to find out.  After 4 months of being “on hold” and displaced from our home, we were hoping that we saw a light at the end of this tunnel.  If we were in our home, with all our stuff, sleeping in our beds and had our ministry to do, this would not have been a big deal.  But the fact is, we are NOT in our own home, we are NOT in our own beds and we are finding ministry opportunities here where we are, but they are not with our people.   
                So, where does that leave us you ask?  That is a good question, and one which we have been asking of God as well.  We are talking with our supervisors and praying about some possibilities.  Rather than just putting us someplace and squeezing us in, they are wanting to put us in OUR place.  With all the recent changes in our organizations, there are many openings across the continent and our supervisors/close friends are looking for THE spot that God has for us.  In 1 Cor 12:18we are told “But our bodies have different parts, and God has put each part just where He wants it.”  We know God has a place He wants to put us, and it will be the best place for us based on our gifting’s and abilities.  Our supervisors also know that and that is why they are taking a little time to find that place rather than just try to fit us into a place for now.  
 At this point though, it is looking like a possibility that we could be leaving West Africa in the future.  This is due to a combination of the security situation we find ourselves still in the middle of, as well as medical concerns of learning to live with the “new normal” of Cancer we will have for the rest of our lives.  While we want to be able to go wherever, right now, that wherever needs to have access to good medical care so Lisa can have her testing done 3-4 times a year as well as take care of any possible medical needs, especially in light of Lisa falling on her left arm 12 hours away from the capital back at Easter.  
                Recently, we as a family were able to make a quick 3 day run down to the house.  This was helpful for the kids, since it allowed them to officially say good-bye to the house and our house helper, who is more like family.  This is the only place Lydia-Ann has ever known as home and the place the older kids have grown up.  When we left in April, we did not tell the kids what was going on, as we did not want them to be scared or feel afraid.  We waited until we were in the safety of the capital to tell them and to let them know that we would not be returning to our home.  They have dealt with all this at times better than Lisa and I have.  Their biggest sadness so far has been over not being able to say good-bye to their friends down south.  Fortunately, should we have to leave our region, the kids have been able to see all of their TCK friends over the last month or two.  This coupled with being able to say good-bye to the house recently has allowed them to have some form of closure during the midst of the waiting chaos in which we find ourselves.
                This much we know.  God was not taken by surprise by any or all of this.  He is STILL in control and He has shown us that He is not done with us here yet.  We both have spent the last couple of months going back to the basics with Him and He is showing us His love in some real ways.  While we may not be in our own beds, using our own pots and pans, He has provided a place for us to rest and surrounded us with loving, supportive friends both here in West Africa and around the world.  While we are hoping and praying to see a light at the end of this tunnel, we know that either way, God has this!  The last couple of years our family has been through a LOT, but we know that this world is not our home and we are just passing through.

1 comment:

  1. So glad y'all posted this. I was just thinking about y'all yesterday and had planned to write and see how things are, but didn't get to it yesterday. There IS a place suited just for y'all and you will find it. I will keep you in my prayers.
