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Hello, I am a mother of three living with my husband in Africa. I have been blogging for seven years but still find myself very technologically challenged. I make lots of mistakes, but life is a journey. Come join me on the journey!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Out of Place

Displaced and out of place are not the same thing. As I have shared, we have been displaced for the last two months, however we are certain thus far we have not been out of place. We have seen several times why we are here at such a time as this, including, but not limited to, my being in close proximity to working on a project that has been needed for years but had no one with the time and proximity to accomplish the task. However, as we begin to seek out what the next step is and where the Father would send us, we are ever conscious of not wanting to be out of place.

Joseph, in Genesis, is sold into slavery by his brothers and arrives in Egypt. When the day comes that he is reunited with his brothers. Joseph consoles them that what they meant for evil, God meant for good. Joseph had been displaced but not out of place.

Exodus once again speaks volumes. (I know, "Exodus, again?") Moses and Aaron spoke to Pharaoh to secure the release of the Israelites. After much pain and suffering for the Egyptians and God's protection over the Israelites, Pharaoh releases them. The Israelites cross the Sea on dry ground. They grumble for food and God provides manna. God tells Moses to get the people ready to hear from Him and then to bring Aaron up the mountain with him. Moses prepares the people. God speaks. The people ask Moses to meet with God and then tell them what He says. Moses goes back up but leaves Aaron behind. A few chapters later God tells Moses to bring elders up to meet on the mountain but Moses only ascend to the top. At what point did God decide to leave Aaron down with the people? Did He intend for Aaron to get left behind this time or did He just let Moses and Aaron decide where Aaron was to go? Eight chapters later, we see that Aaron succumbed to pressure from the people to provide an idol for them to worship. It had been less than forty days, and already the people had forgotten their commitment to obey the Lord completely. Had the Lord intended for Aaron to be on the mountain and by being out of place, he facilitated the idol worship? Had the Lord changed His mind and intended for Aaron to stay to keep the people focused on the Lord, which he failed to do? Who decided for Aaron to stay? Was Aaron out of place?

Another beloved man of God is seen years later out of place and goes down sin's slippery slope. In 2 Samuel 11, David sent out his generals and army, but he himself stayed behind. Because he was not away "at the time when the kings go out to battle," he beheld a beautiful woman and has her brought to him, and then she conceives his child. As if that were not enough, he then conspires to cover up his sin and then conspires to have her husband killed when his first plan to conceal falls through. Then heartbreak comes when the child of this unholy union dies. Because David was out of place, sin and heart break were compounded.

When the Messiah was born, the reigning king was jealous. He determined to kill any child that could possibly be the age of this King. God sent an angel to warn Joseph to take Mary and Jesus and escape to Egypt. They were displaced but obviously not out of place.

The Word is bursting with examples of those who were both out of place and those displaced. We do not want to be out of place, though we are displaced. Pray for wisdom for us as well as our supervisors to know where we are to be and what we are to be doing there. James 1:5 promises, "But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him." True wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord, and much wisdom will be needed in the days to come.

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