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Hello, I am a mother of three living with my husband in Africa. I have been blogging for seven years but still find myself very technologically challenged. I make lots of mistakes, but life is a journey. Come join me on the journey!

Friday, March 6, 2015

I Wish I'd Known......

I wish I had known that the Taco Bell near my house was closed, then I would not have passed by the one that was opened. 

I wish I had known how many fees the schools would have, especially with three children in three different schools.

I wish I had known the struggle of the person next to me before I spoke thoughtlessly. 

I wish I had known the water was going to make me sick before I drank it. 

I wish I had known that the very things that draw you to your spouse would be the very things that would drive you crazy about them. 

I wish I had known (understood) the Love and Respect Connection when we got married. 

I wish I had known how loud my son was going to be on the tablet. I would not have given it to him at rest time, because he is keeping me awake. (Truth be told, I did know, but I just was not thinking when I gave him permission. I mean, how many eleven year old boys can actually play video games quietly?) 

I wish I had known how much easier homeschooling could be than what I have made it. 

I wish that I had known that store A was having a sale on...... before I bought it at store B. 

I wish I had known we were leaving our home for a lot longer than three weeks when we left last July. 

I wish I had known that the reconstruction was going to cause issues for the radiation. I had been told how the radiation would affect the reconstruction expanders if I chose to have it done at the time of surgery. I had been told how the radiation would affect the skin making reconstruction difficult if I chose not to do it at the time of surgery. However, I do not remember hearing how the expanders could complicate the radiation process. Maybe it was discussed and I did not retain the information in the overload. Maybe it was not, since I did not meet the radiation oncologist until after the surgery. 

The expanders posed a challenge for my radiation oncologist to develop a plan to target the area that needed radiation without hitting either my heart or lungs thus causing collateral damage. Thankfully, my doctor is the best! No really, he is! He is known for being OCD, which is a great thing in a doctor. He was able to make a plan that would work around the glitch and still administer the necessary radiation. 

All that being said, I wish I had known the difficulty that the reconstruction would cause for the radiation. I might have made a different choice. Obviously the priority is on getting rid of the cancer, rather than aesthetics. At this point, coulda woulda shoulda does us no good. So I am thankful for my doctor and his expertise, and I will rest in the knowledge that I made the best choice at the time with what information I had. 

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