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Hello, I am a mother of three living with my husband in Africa. I have been blogging for seven years but still find myself very technologically challenged. I make lots of mistakes, but life is a journey. Come join me on the journey!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Not Conceited, Just Convinced!

Early on in our marriage, my husband would say this phrase. It was always good for a laugh. Truth is, in life, there is always going to be somebody better. For example, the Patriots beat the Seahawks last night, but next season, another team will beat the Patriots at some point. 

Last week, I was writing to a friend of mine and wanted to brag about my husband. He has been amazing during this journey, even getting kids ready for school, which is a big deal for a non-morning person. However, as I began to write "best husband ever," I had to stop my typing. Not that he is not amazing, but I considered the many other husbands who have seen their wives through the same and so much more. A friend's mom was recently diagnosed with cancer for the third time, and yet, her dad would still do anything for her mom. Though I still would say my husband is amazing, I cannot diminish the care that other husbands have provided for their wives.

So when a person proclaims their greatness or seeks out personal glory, we say they are conceited. However, for God to do it, it is not conceited, when it is true. Conceited is defined as being excessively proud of one's self, i.e. more proud of one than they should be.  God though earnestly is worthy of glorifying Himself, because there is none greater to whom He could give glory.

God reminded Job that He was the One who created the world and set it in place and keeps it spinning. God is the One who puts boundaries on the ocean's tide and keeps earth the perfect distance from the sun for human life to continue to exist.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego knew that the Lord was able to save them from the fiery furnace, and yet they would praise Him even if He did not.  I know that the Lord is able to cure me of this cancer, but even if He chooses not to do so, I will yet praise Him. Daniel continued to pray to God even when he knew he would get thrown in the lions' den, I suppose, knowing that God could rescue him if He chose to do so.

In ancient Egypt, the Pharoah was often seen as a god, as sent from god at minimum. Yet, it was God Almighty who would harden the heart of Pharoah so that His glory might be seen greater. When the plague of hail came, there was a portion of the Egyptians who feared the Lord, rather than Pharoah, and hid their animals from the coming hail. When the last plague of the death of the firstborn came, the Egyptians went to the Israelites. Rather than going to seek revenge, they recognized the greatness of Yahweh and begged His people to leave, even giving them jewelry to do so. 

God is not being conceited when He seeks to be glorified and praised, even if the rocks have to do it, because His greatness indeed is all surpassing. One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess the greatness of our God, whether on this side of eternity or the next. God is not conceited, just convinced, and one day everyone else will be also! 

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