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Hello, I am a mother of three living with my husband in Africa. I have been blogging for seven years but still find myself very technologically challenged. I make lots of mistakes, but life is a journey. Come join me on the journey!

Saturday, February 1, 2014


"To wear righteousness like a bright raiment, requires a complete metamorphosis," says Joni Eareckson Tada in her study on Heaven. A peach pit must die in the ground to sprout forth a blossoming tree. A caterpillar must endure the solitude of the cocoon and wrestle to get out in order to transform and soar as a butterfly.

Last week's science study was on metamorphic rocks. Regional metamorphism comes first through pressure of other rocks on top and then by heat as the rock gets closer to the magma under the surface. Contact metamorphism occurs primarily through heat as the rock comes into contact with the magma. It is through this pressure and heat that the rock is made into even more precious stone.

So why is it that we as humans do not get this? Is it because we have free will? Do we honestly think we can resist and avoid these laws of nature? We grow and mature through pressure and heat. Silver is refined by fire as it is heated and the dross skimmed away. Why is it that we avoid this refining? Are we honestly ok with where we are? Are we happy, or even content, the way we are?

We were meant for so much more! We have been created in His image. "In the image of God He created them." The image that God had for us when He created us is so much more than what we are. That caterpillar might be perfectly content being a caterpillar. Why make him change? Because he was meant to be so much more! He was meant to reflect beauty and grace in flight. If that is what God does with such a small aspect of His creation, imagine what He will do with us, His greatest creation. Rather than looking  at our struggles as something to escape. Let us look at how God desires to refine and shape us.

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which The Lord has promised to those who loveHim." James 1:12

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