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Hello, I am a mother of three living with my husband in Africa. I have been blogging for seven years but still find myself very technologically challenged. I make lots of mistakes, but life is a journey. Come join me on the journey!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

"Seven Days without a Quiet Time Makes One Weak" or "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!"

Since the beginning of October when I broke my foot, I have had difficulty having my quiet time. I did not want to wake my husband by hobbling around on my crutches. I could not carry my own coffee, which I like to drink as I read the Word. I allowed myself to stay up late watching shows with my husband and slept in late in the mornings. Normally rest times would be another possible time to read and pray. However, I found myself so tired of hobbling around on the crutches that I decided to rest during the afternoons.

Therefore, for several weeks, I was having some time to read, but it was more like a drive thru than a sit down meal. Now while there are times and places for quick study times, most of us would all agree that fast food everyday for almost two months is not quality nutrition. This lack of nutrition began to take effect on my attitude and mood. I was not the wife and mother that my family need to be.

As the saying goes, " If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." I never really understood this phrase until recently. It is not that everyone is concerned about Mama, although they are. It is the fact that Mama is the thermostat in the home. This position is one that I have tried at times in the past to rebel against. I did not want to have that level of responsibility and did not want to have that pressure.  I wanted others, husband especially, to take responsibility for their own attitudes. Well, like it or not, that is a position that I took on when I said, "I do."  I further subjected myself to that position when I decided that I wanted to be a mother. I had no idea what I was asking for when I asked to be able to have a precious little one to cuddle in my arms.

Last weekend I came to the end of myself and realized I was collapsing. I was not able to show respect to my husband nor support him in the way he needed me to do. I was unable to handle the little stresses of everyday life. I was more than a grumpy grouch.

Monday I began waking up early again and reading the Word and praying like I had done in the past. I was able to have my coffee with my Creator. After one week of this, really just a couple of days, I was better equipped to love my husband and children as they needed and as I have been charged to do. I was better able to handle the daily stresses of life. While the last couple of months were not a stellar period of time for me, I am grateful for the opportunity once again to spend time and even to be reminded how much I need Him. When I am weak, He is strong!

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