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Hello, I am a mother of three living with my husband in Africa. I have been blogging for seven years but still find myself very technologically challenged. I make lots of mistakes, but life is a journey. Come join me on the journey!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Sometimes Life is all about Perspective!

A week ago, my husband and I were talking with our teammate across the ocean. It was so good to see her face and talk about some things that have been going on there lately. 

First, she informed us that a young man from one of the villages that we have all spent a lot of time in passed away that day. He had been slightly sick the week before, but they had heard nothing more than that until they heard that he had died. My heart sank and I was saddened for the other young believers in his town, since there were so few of them already. 

Second, she gave us some good news that a village that has been rather apathetic to the gospel was begging them to come weekly to share the good news. This is remarkable in that a man from this village had asked them to come teach him, but they had been unable to find him. On this visit when the village was inviting our teammates to come, they actually found this man. The Father's timing is always perfect. 

I walked away from our talk with my teammates with a bittersweet feeling after receiving this good and bad news. Even as we went to a fellowship with friends that night, my heart was heavy and I shared that with a couple of people. Funnily enough, as we watched a fireworks show with these friends that night, I heard clearly from the Father that the news we had heard was great news and great news. 

First, that young man was no longer in pain or sickness. He was standing before the Almighty and giving Him praise. He did not see it as bad news. Was it going to be sad for his friends? Yes, but the Father can bring them new friends. Was it hard to see our number of brothers and sisters dwindle, when the numbers were so low already? Yes, but the Almighty is capable of using this event to draw others unto Himself. Was it hard to think about what would be done with his body? Yes, but that is all it is, a shell of who he was. Revelation 7:9 promises a multitude of every tribe, tongue, and nation will be in heaven, so that have to get there somehow.  I was reminded to praise Him because He is working out His promises. Bad news for us is really great news in view of eternity. 

Second, it was not just good news that our friends were being invited to this formerly apathetic village. It was great news! Only the Almighty can change the hearts of man and orchestrate time in this way. The timing was especially significant in light of the fact that the month of fasting was approaching, and yet the village drew closer to The Son, rather that retreating as many do as that month approaches. Lifting up those within this village and asking for them to have dreams of the truth of the Word they hear. 

Give me Your eyes, Father, and help me to see things around me the way You see them. 

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