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Hello, I am a mother of three living with my husband in Africa. I have been blogging for seven years but still find myself very technologically challenged. I make lots of mistakes, but life is a journey. Come join me on the journey!

Monday, October 3, 2011

World Hunger Day!

Sunday, October 9, 2011 is World Hunger Day.  It may seem a little overwhelming to think about that concept and how much hunger is actually in the world.  Let me share a story with you that might bring the idea a little closer to home.
Back in April a nearby village had a fire.  It destroyed many homes and a large chunk of their stored food.  It was not yet time for planting and the rains were still at least a month away, so a long time remained before the harvest would be ready.  Some of our team went to survey the damage and see what could possibly be done to help.  The government had done the same thing and brought staples out quickly but then left and seemingly forgot about the people.  Our team continued to visit and check on them.  After close evaluation, petition was made to the World Hunger Relief to help this village.  Funds were provided.  Rice and grain were purchased and delivered.  A door was open!
A team member shared the Good News.  Some were not interested, but others were.  Tapes were handed out.  Team members continued to go out to check on the village.
Somewhere along the way a tape got into the hands of others from another village.  They came to our town seeking out someone to come tell them the Good News as well. 
A few team members went out to share more at each of these two villages.  As they shared at the second village, a visitor from yet another village heard and wanted someone to come to tell their village these stories as well. 
Now these team members are going out to story in three villages over the course of two days every week.  These people may not have heard had it not been for a fire and World Hunger Relief. 
The sad news is that the World Hunger Relief Fund is very low.  It may only be able to operate another couple of months, unless something drastically changes.  Giving to this fund has not been able to keep up with droughts, famines, hurricanes, tsunamis, and the like. 
Please consider how you can be a part of bringing the Good News to hurting people.

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