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Hello, I am a mother of three living with my husband in Africa. I have been blogging for seven years but still find myself very technologically challenged. I make lots of mistakes, but life is a journey. Come join me on the journey!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Seasons of a Woman's Life---Judges

I often struggle, as I eluded to in an earlier blog, with wanting to do it all. I want to be involved in everything, but I just cannot do it all and do it well. For this season of my life, my husband and my children especially take up the greatest portion of my time. God has been revealing this idea of seasons in my life for a while now. The Proverbs 31 woman did not do it all at once, but rather those words were true of her over the course of her life. Today as I was reading in Judges, I was reading about Deborah as well as Jael.

I have often been struck by the idea of Deborah as a prophetess, not because I do not think a woman could be a prophetess but rather wondering how she had time. I have at times wondered if she was a single woman who thus had more time.  In her song however, she tells of herself being a mother in Israel. So how did she have time? I think the opening of her scene gives it away. She was sitting under the tree hearing people's cases and making judgements. She was at a season in life when her children were grown and did not need her constant watchful eye. Maybe she was widowed and did not need to be caring for the home and her husband. She had come to that season in her life.

Jael however was in a different season in her life. Jael was at her tent when Sisera, the enemy of Israel, came near. Maybe she was cooking the next meal or doing laundry. Maybe the kids were playing out back or even taking a nap. Whatever the case, she was taking care of the family and home at the right time for God to use her. Her season of life was not a curse nor inconvenience but rather God's providential timing.  Her husband was known to be a friend of the king for whom Sisera served, and he sought refuge in her home. She hospitably gave him milk to drink when he asked for something to drink, thus he did not suspect what she would do next. Now most of us stay at home moms are not going to be hiding a general in one of our rugs and then stabbing him through the temple with a peg, but God desires to use us exactly where we are if we will be obedient and seek those moments. This season of life does not mean we are not also doing His work, but it just will look differently than what someone in another season would be doing.

So what season are you in? How can God use the season you are in? Rejoice in what God is desiring to do in and through you today!

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