This blog is the sequel to "This is why we are here". We went as a family the day after that post to the village where I had gone the week before. We called as we were on the way to let them know we were indeed coming. We arrived and the gentleman that I had spoken with the time before began gathering everyone.
When everyone was gathered, our language helper and friend introduced us and our work. I prayed for us as we began. Afterwards, Rich shared an overview of the Word, from creation to the Son. When he was done, he invited those listening to ask questions. Some really great questions were asked. Rich did a great job of answering, though at times having help from our friend to make sure the words were very clear.
Overall the response was, "Thank you; we're happy. But don't call us, we'll call you." It was left open-ended in case anyone there was interested, though most did not seem so. However, one could sense the Helper working in some of their hearts. Now we wait to hear from them and for the Father to bring the fruit. Our responsibility is to be obedient. Join us in petitioning Dad to give dreams and visions of what is true to those who heard.